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Two Rivers
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Maker Faire Application
Jer Wat
Maker Faire Application
Maker Faire Application
Date of Application:
Name of person applying on behalf of business:
Name of Business:
Type of Product:
Please select one:
I am a maker already in-store as a consignee.
I would like to be considered as a future in-store consignee.
Please qualify yourself in the following categories (check one):
I am a Manitoba maker and I make my products from scratch.
I am a Manitoba maker and as the maker/designer I am heavily involved in the production of my work.
I am a Canadian maker and as the maker/designer I am heavily involved in the production of my work.
I am an International maker and as the maker/designer I am heavily involved in the production of my work.
I am an importer of pre-made goods.
Date Applying For - Please write down the 7-day rental period you are applying for (please note all rentals start on Mondays and end on Sundays):
Please let us know that you understand:
All rentals are Monday-Sunday
The cost is $350/week plus tax (different fees for December rentals apply, different rates apply for January-April rentals as well))
There is no time requirement to be at your booth, however FTC highly recommends that you are there as much as possible to maximize sales and brand awareness.
Please let us know if you have any other questions:
If you are human, leave this field blank.
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